The PVT2000 is a precision airflow control valve consisting of a Vortek VT2000 airflow measuring device mounted in the inlet of a PRD airflow control valve. A factory-installed current-to-pressure (I/P at 4-20 ma) or voltage-to-pressure (E/P at 2-10 vdc) transducer takes an electronic control signal from any airflow controller to modulate the PRD. The Vortek transmitter provides a 10 vdc output to the airflow controller. The use of these industry standard signals allow use with most airflow and temperature controllers presently on the market. A 24 vac or dc power source is required for the Vortek transmitter. Both the I/P and E/P are loop-powered, two-wire
connection. Both the I/P and E/P require 20 psi clean, dry instrument air supply to operate.
- Room supply air and lab exhaust controls.
- Cleanroom pressurization control.
- Hospitals.
- Industrial and process facilities.
- Available with rectangular or circular inlet and outlet.
- Can be ordered in galvanized steel or stainless steel construction.
- Well-suited to contaminated and corrosive airstreams.